Author Archives: BBC PULSE

Using Phonic and Syllabic to Teach Reading

By | June 21, 2024

Introduction The researcher of this piece used phonic and syllabic to teach reading in basic school to improve on learners’ ability. In the work, you would know the methods employed by the researcher as this is a continuation of Chapter Two. Continue reading. This chapter presents the methodological approach for the study. It considers the… Read More »

Importance of Reading Ability in Learners

By | June 20, 2024

Introduction This is a literature review of research study, which revealed the importance of reading ability in learners. The research is a continuation of chapter- How to Improve Reading Using Phonic and Syllabic. Continue reading. This chapter deals with the views of related source of materials, bodies of knowledge or information of the study and… Read More »

How to Improve Reading Using Phonic and Syllabic

By | June 20, 2024

INTRODUCTION Reading may seem difficult to some children if it is not taught the right ways, especially using phonic and syllabic to improve. In this article, learn about how to teach learners and improve reading ability in them using phonic and syllabic. Continue reading. Background of the Study Poor standard of education in most public… Read More »

Methods of Teaching Place Value in Lower Grades

By | June 20, 2024

Introduction This article contains the methods or strategies designed by the researcher for teaching place value in lower grades and primary schools. This is the methodology used to solve the problem identified and the continuation of Understanding the Concept of Place Value. Research methodology encompasses the procedures to be followed in realizing the goals and… Read More »

Understanding The Concept of Place Value

By | June 20, 2024

Introduction In this chapter two, the concept of place value, the causes of learners’ inability to understand it have been explained. What authors and other researchers say are also included as this pieces is a literature reviews. A continuation of Introduction to Understanding Place Value. Continue reading. This chapter encompasses review of the related literature.… Read More »

Introduction to Understanding Place Value

By | June 20, 2024

Introduction Place Value as a topic in Mathematics is way easier to understand if learners are given the right lessons with the appropriate teaching methods. In this piece of Chapter One, you would learn about how research was carried out to find effective methods, which could help this topic. Background to the Study In the… Read More »

Importance of Interview in Research

By | June 17, 2024

Introduction While there are disadvantages, there are also importance of interview in education, which gives room getting accurate findings and results for research study. Application of Rectilinear Propagation of Light is one of the topics which needed interview in its data gathering by the researcher. This chapter deals with the research design, population and population… Read More »

Application of Rectilinear Propagation of Light

By | June 16, 2024

INTRODUCTION This article explains the concept of Rectilinear Propagation of Light and its application in real life. This is a literature review for this study and it is the continuation of Chapter One. The chapter involves the views and opinions of authors and the order work piece which are in relation with the topic understudy.… Read More »

Easing Understanding of Rectilinear Propagation of Light

By | June 16, 2024

INTRODUCTION Rectilinear Propagation of Light is one of the science topics basic school pupils find difficult to understand. This research shows how learners couldn’t understand the concept when they were first taught. Continue reading to know how to make it easy for your children to understand the concept. This chapter comprises the background to the… Read More »

How to Solve Attitude Disorder in Children

By | June 16, 2024

INTRODUCTION In this article, you would find out how learners’ attitude towards social studies is managed. The attitude disorder in school children has been one factor hindering learning. This is a continuation of the Scope of Social Studies. This chapter deals with the research design, population and population sample size, the research instruments employed pre-intervention, intervention… Read More »