Introduction of Addition and Subtraction To Basic School

By | June 14, 2024
Addition and Subtraction


This article contains introduction of addition and subtraction of whole numbers to basic school pupils, as a focus of a research. Continue reading.

This chapter of the research work introduces the whole research work which discusses the problem under investigation. The chapter consists of issues such as background to the study, statement of the problem, purpose of the study, the research questions, and significance of the study, limitations and delimitation and organization of the study.


Mathematics as a course of study has many importance or significance to our educational system and considered as a jack of all trade because it cuts across all the educational system. In this modern world for instance, nothing is done without mathematical knowledge.

Therefore, other fields like science, industry, technology, economics, etc, uses mathematical ideologies everyday in solving their problem. For example, counting of ballot papers, taking measurement, buying and selling which involves calculation of money, preparation of dishes also involves the application of mathematical concept.

It is therefore believed that no nation, society or individual can progress without the knowledge of Mathematics and Science. Mathematics therefore is seen as the bed-rock to other subjects of study and education as the driver to national development.

For this reason it has become necessary that pupils take active participation in learning of every mathematical concept and have in-depth understanding of them.

On the other hand, Berekum – Ayakurase is a suburb of Berekum in the Berekum East District of the Bono Region of Ghana. The indegenes are predominantly into farming with few as traders.

Even though the pupils engage in their parents occupational activities which involve mathematical and scientific knowledge like the buying and selling and measuring distance for planting crops and how to care for them, they still lack most basic mathematical concepts.

During the researcher’s final attachment course at Berekum Methodist Basic School ‘A’, the researcher realized that most pupils could not solve problems on the concept addition and subtraction of whole numbers.

Upon critical investigation, the researcher realized that, the lesson was taught in abstract with the method that looked more teacher centered than pupil-centered which should have not been the case.

The researcher, therefore, knowing the importance of mathematics, had decided to carry out a project on this very concept, ‘addition and subtraction of whole numbers’ and also, to see how best the problem can be solved so as to improve pupils’ understanding.


During the researcher’s final year attachment course, enough observation showed that basic three (3) pupils of Berekum Methodist Basic School ‘A’ could not understand the concept, addition and subtraction of whole numbers because the lesson was taught without using any relevant teaching and learning material(s) which made the concept not fully grasped by majority of the pupils.

The researcher, therefore, decided to research into the problem.


Among many other things, the researcher to:

1. Identify the cause(s) of lack of understanding of the topic.

2. Develop pragmatic strategies to help solve the problem.

3. Develop interest of pupils in the lesson through the use of teaching and learning materials to teach the topic.

Research Questions

i) What are the major causes of the basic six (6) pupils of Berekum Methodist ‘A’ lack of understanding in the studying of the topic?

ii) What strategies can be employed to boost the understanding of the basic six pupils of Berekum Methodist Basic School ‘A’ in studying of the topic?

iii) What suitable teaching and learning material can be used to develop the interest of the pupils in teaching the topic?


The study will go a long way to broaden the knowledge base of both the learners and other teachers in the school, nearby schools in the district, resource persons, the region, and the nation as a whole.


Often, when trying to find solution to a problem, one is bound to encounter some difficulties. The researcher in the course of undertaking the study encountered certain problems.

First of all, the researcher noticed that pupils were not static in character. This then pose problem during observation and getting facts from their character which is very low.

Truancy is one of the factors that affected the results of the study. It actually happened when some pupils absent themselves from school during the time of the intervention. Also, combining this study and the classroom work coupled with the numerous day to day activities posed a real problem to the researcher.


This problem may be present in other schools but to make the work of the researcher fruitful, the research work was limited to the Berekum Methodist Basic School ‘A’ as his station for the macro teaching and again to basic six (6) as that was where the problem was found.

Organization of the Study

The whole research work is arranged into five chapters. Chapter one talked about the background to the study, statement of the problem, purpose of the study, research questions, and significance of the study. This is followed by the limitations and delimitations of the study and finally, the organization of the study report.

Chapter two deals with literature review. This talk about what other writers have written about the topic under study.

The next chapter is chapter three. It discusses the research design, the population and sample selection, sampling procedure, research instruments and the intervention processes.

The fourth chapter unfolds and discusses the results of the study. All findings from the research instruments are presented in this chapter.

The final chapter is chapter five. It deals with the summary of the research findings, conclusions to the study and recommendations made to the study.

Chapter Two

Chapter Three



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