Introduction to Understanding Place Value

By | June 20, 2024
Place Value -


Place Value as a topic in Mathematics is way easier to understand if learners are given the right lessons with the appropriate teaching methods. In this piece of Chapter One, you would learn about how research was carried out to find effective methods, which could help this topic.

Background to the Study

In the world of work, basically in Ghana, mathematics plays a major role in career choice and the development of this nation.

Mathematics is a discipline that has its own facts and concepts. Mathematics is hierarchical in nature. Topics higher in hierarchy need the primary concept, which is lower in hierarchy as a pre-requisite (Sampson,2006).

Alpert and Gruereberg (2001) had the view that learners need to gain good mastery over the primary concept before they can build on further higher concepts.

The primary concepts and the lower concepts serve as tools for the learning of the higher order concepts. For example, learners need to form the concepts of numbers and counting before they are introduced to addition and subtraction.

Ulich Robert (2010) added that children need to form concepts of addition before they are introduced to multiplication and division. Inappropriate formation of the earlier concepts may hinder the learning of concepts that will use the earlier concept as pre-requisite.

As a teacher, I therefore need to take cognizance of this implication and ensure the early concepts are taught well to learners of Abor EP Basic School in working mathematics. One of the concepts in the basic two mathematics curriculum is the “Place Value”.

That is for learners to work with whole number greater than nine effectively, they must understand the concept of place value. Place Value is the position of a digit in a numeral determines its value in the number.

For example, a number 777 the first seven (7) stands for (7) value of seven hundred (700) and the seven (7) in the middle stands for the value of seventy (70) and the last seven (7) stands for the value of seven (7) ones. This implies that the number 777 stands for 7 hundred, 7 tens and 7 ones.

The concept of Place Value needs to be stressed in teaching and learning. Teaching and learning materials are of great importance and make lesson real or practical. (Burns ,2003).

Since mathematics is the core (pivot) of all subjects, it is also a backbone of all scientific advancements. But many people’s perception about the subject have either made student of today like or dislike the subject. This type of remarks arouse the student’s desire for mathematics (Keyser, 2001).

To Philip (2002), mathematics in a way can put students off. He said that those fortunate who find mathematics a joy and fascinating will probably get on.

Whatever the standard of teaching, requires real genius to light a flicker of understanding in the minds of those whom mathematics is clouded mystery.

According to Parling (2002:125) in his book Mathematics For Primary School, defines mathematics as ‘‘a way in which we use information, or knowledge measure and ability to calculate.’’

Perceived Problem

During the researcher’s macro-teaching programme at Abor E/P Basic School, she observed a lesson on place value and realised learner’s had difficulties in understanding the topic.Learners wrongly place the digits before adding which make them have wrong answers.

Problem Diagnosis

The problem was diagnosed through observation and class exercises given to the learners. The learners rightly added the figures yet without obeying the place values of the numbers.

Evidence of the Problem

It was evident in their write ups during home and class tasks that, the learners wrongly place the values before adding.

This problem was as a result of teachers not using the appropriate teaching techniques which has led to the inability of the learners to rightly perform addition involving two digit numbers hence the researcher decided to use demonstration and multi- based block to solve the problem.

Statement of the Problem

The observation made by researcher at Abor EP kg/primary, basic two (2) made the researcher realized that learners do not understand the concept of place value.

The problem of place value was realized when the learners were given the math problem (14+ 7) to solve, the learners were giving 14+7= 84 as the answer for the addition of 14 and 7 instead of 21.

This clearly indicates that they lack the concept of place value. Also learners cannot solve addition of two or more numbers correctly.

The researcher is compelled research into the teaching and learning of the concept of place value by using multi base block and demonstration method of teaching to help learners of Abor EP kg/primary two (2) to overcome the problem of place value in mathematics as encountered recently.

Purpose of the study

To use multi base block to teach the concept of place value to basic two learners of Abor EP kg/primary to overcome their problem in understanding the concept of place value.


1. To find out the causes of basic two learners of Abor EP kg/primary inability to comprehend the concept of place value involving addition of two numbers.

2. To use a learner-centered approach to help solve the problem at the Abor EP KG/Primary school.

3. To what extent will the use of multi-base block enhance the performance of basic two learners of Abor EP kg/primary to understand the concept of place value.

Research Questions

1. What are the causes of learners of Abor EP KG/Primary inability to comprehend the concept of place value involving addition of two-digit numbers?

2.What teaching approach will enhance the understanding of the basic two learners of Abor EP KG/Primary to understand the concept of place value?

3.How will the use of multi base block enhance the performance of basic 2 learners of Abor E P primary to understand the concept of place value?

Significance Of the Study

The study will go a long way to improve the academic performance of students in the subject. Secondly, the study will be a reference material for teachers and anyone who will like to undertake a research on similar study.

Delimitations Of the Study

This problem may be present in other schools but to make the work of the researcher fruitful, the research work was limited to the Abor EP kg/primary as her station for the macro teaching and again to basic two (2) as that was where the problem was found. Even though there are various ways on addressing the problem of place value, only the Multi-Base Block will be used as the intervention.

Limitations Of the Study

The researcher encounter problem regarding the research instruments, these include, learners not showing the exact observable characters regarding the problem, low turnout of learners which will affect the sample, and lack of fund to purchase the needed materials to work on the teaching and learning resources.

Organization of the Study

The entire research work is organized into five chapters. Chapter one is introduction which deals with the background of the study, statement of the problem, purpose of the study, research question, significance of the study, delimitation, limitation and the organization of the study.

The chapter two deals with the review of the related literature, which talks about research findings on the topic study.
The third chapter consists of the methodology used to solve the problem, which includes pre-intervention and post intervention.

The chapter four comprises the data and analysis on the topic, whilst the chapter five talks about the summary, conclusion and recommendation of the research.

Forward to Chapter Two

Forward to Chapter Three



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