Divisions Under Ghana Education Service & What They Do

Ghana Education Service Divisions -


The Ghana Education Service (GES) comprises of divisions. These divisions also have roles or the activities they perform as far as management of education in Ghana is concerned.

In this piece, you are going to be enlightened on the divisions under Ghana Education Service and what they do as branches of the agency.

The divisions also do have units on which each operates to a successful running of the Ghana Education Service. Now, take a glance at the divisions and what they do.

Education Service Divisions and What They Do.

General Administration Division

This division of the Ghana Education Service is responsible for the day to day management of the entire organization.

This division is also responsible for making and keeping the records of Ghana Education Service.

Human Resource Management Division

1. This division is responsible for recruitment and distribution of teachers employed by the Ghana Education Service.

2. The HRM Division is also responsible for staff development and rationalisation.

3. Promotion of GES staff both teaching and non-teaching.

4. Posting of teachers returning from study leave with pay.

5. Inter-Regional reposting of staff.

6. Upgrading, Salary Adjustment, Change of name, Conversion of Ghana Education Service Staff.

Finance Division

1. The finance division of the Ghana Education Service responsible for in-flow and out-flow of fund.

2. It advises management on all financial matters relating to the service.

3. It also collates estimates from the various Regions/Districts and other Divisions for the preparation of the annual budget estimates.

4. It allocates fund to cost centers for preparation of budget.

5. It facilitates meeting with Parliamentary Select Committee on Education to defend the GES Budget for approval.

6. It prepares cash plans and monitors the release and disbursement of funds.

7. Supports implementation of donor funded projects.

8. Monitors, evaluates and reports on budget performance.

9. Assists management to control expenditure within the approved budget.

10. Ensures adequate stock of Value books are kept for the office and keeps register for the value books in safe custody.

12. Collects all revenue due and bank same timely and undertakes all other banking activities.

13. It keeps proper records of all transactions and produces same for verification by both Internal and External Audit when required.

4. It allocates funds

14. It keeps records of all receivables and payables in the ledgers.

15. It ensures that all payments are duly authorized.

16. It prepares, presents financial statements and other financial reports on monthly, quarterly and on yearly basis.

17. It ensures that adequate records are kept for fuel purchased.

18. It facilitates routine Audit.

19. It supports management to address all audit observations and issues.

20. It ensures that all payments are properly acquitted.

21. It ensures management of Taxes.

Special Education Division (SPED)

The special education division in the Ghana Education Service has the following responsibilities:

1. Screening and Assessment of children for early identification, correct placement in schools and other interventional measures.

2. To facilitate effective administration of Special Schools.

3. Supervision and monitoring of special schools and units.

4. Provision of educational facilities and services for children and young people with Disabilities and Special Educational Needs.

6. Provision of appropriate Teaching and Learning Materials and Assistive Devices for learners at the pre-tertiary level.

7. To transcribe textbooks and other reading materials into Braille.

8. Capacity building of Special Teachers across the sector at the pre-tertiary level.

9. Ensure and facilitate the timely release of feeding grants to special schools.

Technical and Vocational Education Division

This division is responsible for the provision of measures effective enough to drive the TVET program to meet its set goals. The Technical and Vocational Education program has purposes. These purpose are to:

1. Provide young people with the skills that will make them employable, enhance their livelihoods, and create wealth.

2. Ensure skills and TVET are the drivers of development across the country.

3. Enhance the Ghanaian workforce to make them globally competitive.

Schools and Instructions Division

The schools and instructions division is responsible for the following:

1. It liaise with the West Africa Examination Council (WAEC) in the administration, conduct and monitoring of the Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) and West Africa Secondary School Certificate Examination (WASSCE).

2. Supervision of placement of BECE graduate into the Second Cycle Institutions and analysis of the BECE and the WASSCE results nationwide.

3. Support the implementation of key interventions for increasing access, equity and improving quality. Demand accountability at the district and school level.

4. Monitoring and supervision of teaching and learning in Basic and Second Cycle Schools.

5. Ensure adequate and timely supply and distribution of essential teaching and learning materials to schools.

6. The division is in charge of the implementations of policy guidelines for all Basic Schools and Second Cycle Institutions in collaboration with relevant authorities and key stakeholders.


As stated above, those are the divisions under the Ghana Education Service and their responsibilities. The individual divisions also have units under them.

These units have the breakdown of roles played for the Ghana Education Service to function well.



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