Full Meaning of SISO in GES and Why It Exist

SISO in Ghana Education Service -

Full Meaning of SISO

SISO in the Ghana Education Service (GES) simply means School Improvement an Support Officer, who happens to be the intermediary between schools and directorates across the country.

Who is SISO?

The School Improvement and Support Officer (SISO) is someone who serves as the middleman between the district directorate of GES and the authorities of schools within particular circuits.

In the Ghanaian education sector, SISO has a whole lot of responsibilities, which are assigned by regulations or tasked by the district director.

In Ghana, School Improvement and Support Officer (SISO) goes round daily either on motorcycle or in car, visiting schools in his/her circuit.

The visit to schools as part of the duties, is to ascertain facts on the field and report any information or development to his/her superiors.

As said earlier, School Improvement and Support Officer (SISO) has many responsibilities. In this article, you would know their roles.

You will also know how to become a SISO and the requirements that can make one eligible for this educational portfolio. Continue reading…

Why Does SISO Exist?

The reason why School Improvement and Support Officer (SISO) exist is to:

1. Manage and monitor schools within the Circuit. The SISO’s role or duty is to monitor and manage the schools in the circuit and report on progress to the district office.

2. Act as instructive pioneer and give authority direction and help with all areas connected with School Improvement.

The SISO act as the leader of schools within the circuit from the part of the district education office, who gives school authority direction on what to do as instructed by the district director.

3. Examine exact information from the schools and submit same to the District Education Office expeditiously. It is the SISO’s work to analyze the data collected from schools before submitting to the district education office for further scrutiny.

4. Support district directors with school needs and educational projects and systems, and carrying out a powerful educational plan.

The SISO is responsible for supporting district directors with the needs of schools within the circuits, eg. educational projects and strategies. As an intermediary between the district education office and the schools, he helps carry out an effective educational plans.

5. Submit quarterly reports on checking to the Metropolitan/Municipal/District Directors of Education. Another work of the SISO is to submits reports on the operations of schools to the directors of education at the local level (s).

6. Work with district directors to arrange for how they can execute positive drives. The SISO also works with the district director to strategically plan on how positive programmes can be implemented.

7. Occasional announcement of opportunities in the Circuit to the Metropolitan/Municipal/District Directors of Education for interested persons to take.

The SISO is also in charge of the informing the district director on vacancies in schools within the circuit for furthermore announcement to be made to restaff.

8. Coordinate with district administrators of education on information collection and investigation of assessment results.

The SISO also helps the district administration for education to collect data and to analyse the assessment results provided by schools after examination.

9. Guarantee the overall welfare of educators and students in the Circuit. The SISO also makes sure that Ghana Education Service employees within his jurisdiction are well. Again, the welfare of pupils/learners is part of his priorities.

10. Draw in educational program and assessment reviews as fitting and demanded. The SISO also plan educational programmes and establish assessment reviews as appropriate and requested.

11. Undertake other obligations assigned by the district administration. The SISO will also undertake other assignments given to him/her by the district director and the administration.

With this, it does not mean the SISO will be doing only duties demanded by his performance activity guide.

12. Coordinate with district administrators on proficient advancement exercises straightforwardly connected with School Improvement.

It is the SISO’s duty to work hand-in-hand with the district administration on programmes that are significant to the improvement of school.


School Improvement and Support Officer (SISO) in the Ghana Education Service (GES) work is a very tedious one and officers in this position must be receiving good compensations.

This is because, School Improvement and Support Offers (SISOs) in GES have a lot to do as well and as far as education at district, municipal level is concerned.

It is more or less like among all the education officers, School Improvement and Support Officer does is next to the teachers in the classrooms, doing the grounds works.

Looking at all the sufferings, it is advisable to also cushion the efforts of every SISO in the Ghanaian education sector, because they are really working.

Motorbikes or cars should be made available to every SISO while visiting the field to do inspections of schools. This may be the best way to reduce stress and reward the hard works of able Ghanaian school inspectors.




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